{{--11. BANKING DETAILS -- Start--}}
@foreach ($vehicleTypeWiseRevenue as $key => $details) @endforeach {{-- --}}
{{'(+) Total Casual Income (Cash)'}}(Logo){{round($cashSum)}}@if($firstIncome > $secondIncome){{ number_format($firstIncome,2,'.','') }}@else {{ number_format($secondIncome,2,'.','')}} @endif
{{'(+) Total Casual Income (Digital)'}}(Logo) {{round($edcSum + $fastagSum + $qrSum + $fastagDeclinedSum)}}
{{'(+) Casual Income (Digital) - FASTag - (ACCEPTED)'}}(Logo) {{round($fastagSum)}}
{{'(+) Casual Income (Digital) - FASTag - (DECLINED)'}}(Logo) {{round($fastagDeclinedSum)}}
{{'(+) Casual Income (Digital) - UPI'}}(Logo) {{round($qrSum)}}
{{'(+) Casual Income (Digital) - EDC'}}(Logo) {{round($edcSum)}}
Total Cash Banking Amount () @if($firstIncome > $secondIncome){{ number_format($firstIncome,2,'.','') }}@else {{ number_format($secondIncome,2,'.','')}} @endif
Total Digital Banking Amount () {{round($edcSum + $fastagSum + $qrSum + $fastagDeclinedSum)}}

System Cash - FOC Approved(Only Cash) = Value 1
{{--39811 changes--}} Actual Cash + Total Recovery = Value 2
Greater of Value 1 & Value 2 will be considered as the banking amount.

{{--11. BANKING DETAILS -- End--}}