
@if(!empty($data) && count($data) > 0)
Filters Applied
In Time - from :
In Time - to :
Out Time - from :
Out Time - to :
In User :
Out User :
Barcode :
Vehicle Number :
Vehicle Type :
F8 :

@if ($param1['f8_option'] != '2')
Manual Transaction - Pure F8
{{-- --}} {{--In gate added--}} {{--Out gate added--}} {{--Added CPS below--}} {{--End CPS--}} @if (count($data['pure_f8']) > 0) @foreach($data['pure_f8'] as $each) {{----}} {{--In gate added--}} {{--Out gate added--}} {{--Added CPS below--}} {{--End CPS--}} @endforeach @else @endif
Sr. No.Ticket NumberBarcode Vehicle Number In Time In User In GateOut Time Out User Out GateCPS Time CPS User CPS GateVehicle Type Reason Amount Payment Mode
{{$i++}}{{$each->barcode}}{{$each->barcode}} {{$each->vehicle_number}} {{date("d-m-Y H:i:s",strtotime($each->in_time))}} {{$each->in_user_name}} {{$each->ingate}}{{$each->out_time != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? date("d-m-Y H:i:s",strtotime($each->out_time)) : ''}} {{$each->out_user_name}} {{$each->outgate}}@if(!empty($each->cps_out_time)){{date("d-m-Y H:i:s",strtotime($each->cps_out_time))}}@endif {{$each->cps_user_name}} {{$each->cpsgate}}{{$each->type}} {{$each->reason}} {{$parking_amount}} {{$paymentmode}}
No records found

@endif @if ($param1['f8_option'] != '1')
Manual Transaction - ANPR F8
{{-- --}} {{--In gate added--}} {{--Out gate added--}} {{--Added CPS below--}} {{--End CPS--}} @if (count($data['anpr_f8']) > 0) @foreach($data['anpr_f8'] as $each) {{----}} {{--In gate added--}} {{--Out gate added--}} {{--Added CPS below--}} {{--End CPS--}} @endforeach @else @endif
Sr. No.Ticket NumberBarcode Vehicle Number In Time In User In GateOut Time Out User Out GateCPS Time CPS User CPS GateVehicle Type Reason Amount Payment Mode
{{$i++}}{{$each->barcode}}{{$each->barcode}} {{$each->vehicle_number}} {{date("d-m-Y H:i:s",strtotime($each->in_time))}} {{$each->in_user_name}} {{$each->ingate}}{{$each->out_time != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? date("d-m-Y H:i:s",strtotime($each->out_time)) : ''}} {{$each->out_user_name}} {{$each->outgate}}@if(!empty($each->cps_out_time)){{date("d-m-Y H:i:s",strtotime($each->cps_out_time))}}@endif {{$each->cps_user_name}} {{$each->cpsgate}}{{$each->type}} {{$each->reason}} {{$parking_amount}} {{$paymentmode}}
No records found
No records found